Deadwood KOA
We were fans of the Deadwood HBO TV series, so when we had the opportunity to see this place for ourselves, we were happier than two June-bugs swimming in a mason jar of moonshine (that's pretty happy). We were visiting Mount Rushmore and this town is about an hour north.
2 beers from a friend at 10 AM. You know they will be warm before you drink them. It is an older park and not updated for today's larger rigs.
This KOA is an older location and was built when there were no slideouts on RVs so the sites are very narrow. We got to know our neighbors a little better than we would have liked but they got to know us too so we are even. The staff was very friendly and the site was clean and it was another affirmation that people in the Midwest are good and helpful people because it took about 10 people helping as spotters to get "Sprinkles" parked.
We were excited to get into town and enjoy the sights and sounds of the old west. We could tell that very little has changed here since the 1800's and we got the feeling that we had gone back in time (you will need to read this is a very sarcastic tone). We could see ourselves as cowboys or prospectors coming down out of the hills and into town to go to our favorite tattoo parlor, or perhaps spend an evening at the slots in the casino. Just like the old west, we could get a "Big Cookie" and stroll through the Walmart. Ah, the sights and smells of the old west, where even the lady at the Taco Bell had the look and feel of hand tooled saddle leather.
Okay, so most things had changed and were pretty much like any town anywhere, but Barbra Jean Jo Barbara and Randy Randerson pulled on our boots, put our cowboy hats on, and drove out of town and then onto our next adventure - "Yee Ha".
They do have an old west shootout late in the day and a few frontier shops and museums, but it is not the old west here anymore.