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  • Writer's pictureBarbra Jean Jo Barbara


Both mysterious and fuel efficient


4 frosty beers with friends out of a six-pack. This unusual oddity is worth an extra beer, but had to trade it for the gas money - this place is in the middle of nowhere.

Rising like monoliths from ancient times on the western edge of the Sandhills (no trees, but lots of corn) of Nebraska stands an ancient (to millennials) formation of vehicles from days gone by. As we are world travelers and have seen many ancient lands, so we quietly looked at this place and wondered... Is it a temple for sun worship, a healing center, a burial site or perhaps a huge calendar? Did ancient Nebraska Cornhuskers football fans in hooded robes move the mighty structures from distant lands (Omaha) and then, using only the most primitive of tools, build this amazing structure? Barbra Jean Jo Barbara and Randy Randerson looked at each other and simultaneously said, "Nope".


Carhenge, which replicates Stonehenge, consists of the circle of cars, 3 standing trilithons within the circle, the heel stone, slaughter stone, and 2 station stones and includes a “Car Art Preserve” with sculptures made from cars and parts of cars. This fun place was built by Jim Reinders as a memorial to his father and made out of good old American cars and painted gray to replicate Stonehenge.

Located just north of Alliance, Nebraska, Carhenge is definitely off the beaten path but is well traveled and it was fun to see so many other travelers arriving and seeing this too. Did we mention it is in the middle of nowhere? Pack a lunch like we did and sit back while you eat and watch people arrive, smile, and enjoy their discovery.

We were coming from Custer, South Dakota on this trip and found that about 150 miles of the trip was without cell service. If you are coming from the south (from the interstate), you wont have any issues. We however, being the pioneers and adventurers that we are, took the original "Wagon Train" trail. It turned out to still have the original wagon train pavement... rough ride.


Bring a marker to graffiti the "Graffiti Car". Take a moment to read some of the messages there - too funny.


Free (but leave a donation in the gift shop to keep this maintained - pay it forward people)


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