About Us

Of course that is not his real name, but it seems to suit.
He has 3 degrees and a black belt. That isn't a karate reference, he just has one black belt (you know - for his pants) that he really likes.
While in the Air Force, he met with 2 US presidents, got to fly in military jets (so cool), and got to scrub military floors (not as cool).
He has met dozens of Hollywood stars by accident or design (only one restraining order... it was just a big "misunderstanding") and he has even sat in the original Capt. Kirk’s chair from Star Trek. (see above restraining order)
He has shared a drink with a drunk monkey on a beach,... it doesn't get any better than that.
Randy Randerson
Adventurer Traveler

Sprinkles is a Thor Hurricane with style. The name came from the Progressive auto insurance commercial where Flo tells Jamie that "Sprinkles are for winners". After driving this coach one time, we knew we had a winner.
This coach has taken us from Sea to Shining Sea (those are streets in St. Louis that are about 4 blocks apart) and thousands and thousands of miles to many fascinating and entertaining locations.
He enjoys football tailgating, lounging by the fireside, and long baths (seriously, have you washed one of these - it takes forever).
Turn-ons involve keys.
Turn-offs involve storage space and low batteries.
The Bus

It takes four names to describe this lady where an average woman would only take two.
She can spell zylaphone... xylaphone... xyloph..one... She can spell "saxophone" without a spellchecker app.
Her hands had once been described as similar to the water that flows beneath the Antarctic shelf (colder than 27ºF).
She once shared a room with both Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki at the same time (yes it was a convention hall with hundreds of other people, but still inside a room).
She has the driving skills of Mario Andretti's aunt.
When she is asked what her middle name is, she replies, "space".
Barbra Jean Jo Barbara

What's with the glasses and mustaches?
We are not doing this site to become famous or to get our travels paid for by a sponsor, we are doing it because we have found some amazing places in the "flyover" states and others off the beaten path and want to share what we have found and offer advice on our lessons learned. Our posts will always be about the journey and include some of the fun but in an entertaining way with posts you can read in 5 minute or less. There are plenty of websites that give advice to RV travelers headed to the East or West coast or to the common "world-famous" American adventures, but we found very few that talk about the many treasures in the beautiful "flyover" states.
Despite what you may have heard, the mid-west is not made up of poorly educated, backward, inbred hicks. We are just people like you who live, laugh, and love. We, your hosts Barbra and Randy Randerson, used to have a chip on our shoulders when we would hear such things from people that had never been in the mid-west, but now, we have a pretty good sense of humor about it and try to show the beauty and unique adventures to any and all willing to learn. Our travels always start from our home in St. Louis and branch out in all directions. Trips include day and weekend trips to beautiful places close to home and trips thousands of miles away and everywhere in-between.
We have traveled all over the world, and have lived on both the east and west coast and now in the middle. We prefer to live in the mid-west because the people are genuine, the food is great, the economy is stable, and the lifestyle is honest and relaxed.