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Look at our cans!

The Hicks on Holiday rating system

LOOK AT OUR CANS! - Beer, because no good story has ever started with a salad!

Randy Randerson and Barbra Jean Jo Barbara have been on many adventures and have learned many lessons along the way. They want to share their experiences with you and maybe help you have even more fun. The rating system is an easy way to see how the trip went overall. 


They came up with a rating system that was so easy to follow that even someone as dumb as Randy Randerson could follow it.  Randy Randerson is so dumb, he got fired from the M & M factory for throwing away all the W's.


Zero Beers (the worst) to a Full Six Pack (super really good) is the standard, but from time to time they make exceptions and may take it all the way up to a Full Cooler on ice from a friend that will even help you move - it doesn't get any better than that!


Free beer tastes better around a campfire - FACTS!   SHOW US YOUR CANS! 

Tell us your story, share your adventures, and give us the tips you have learned along the way. 


Show us your cans!

Tell us about your travel experiences and adventures - we want to hear from you!

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